Product Description
Ammonia Gas Analyzer : Model ATS- 208A
- Ammonia Gas Analyzer continuously monitors the concentration of Ammonia in PPM and other gases ranging from 100%V/V down to PPM level. Feature includes a duel wavelength sensor, Remote Sampling, Graphics LCD Display, adjustable level relay output for alarm and 4-20mA output for control purpose and minimal maintenance.
- Special gas sample Conditioning systems are used to clean and dry the gas sample for accurate and High performance operation. An Internal Pump draw gas sample into the sensor through a dust particle filter from an intake which can be located at distance up to 40 meter form the monitor.
- The Sensor and Electronic component are housed in tough aluminium housing
Applications - Metal heat Treatment
- Boiler Systems
- Cement & Lime Manufacturer
- Combustion Process
- Hydrogen Cooled Alternators & Turbine
- Gasification & Syngas
- Pulp & Paper
- Metal Heat Treatment Plant
- Laboratories & Institutions
- Flame Treatment Process & Chemical Industries
- Petrochemical & Pharmaceutical Industries
Features - Microcontroller based embedded intelligent instruments
- Continuous Monitoring of CO2 ,CH4, CO, O2, SO2, NOX (NO+NO2), H2, H2S, N2
- Duel wavelength Infra red sensor for Long terms accuracy and stability
- Long Life Electrochemical sensor
- Six Gas Analysis in Single Analyser
- Multi Parameter Single 320 X 240 Graphics LCD Display
- Self diagnostic & Self integrity check
- RS 232/RS 485 and USB Computer Interface
- Excellent low level capability for NOX and SO2 Measurement
- For most of the application sample gas is cooled and dried inside the sampling conditioning systems to avoid the Heated Sample Line.
- Analog 4-20mA output for each gas
- Software solutions for Gas Analysis
- Web Based Real time data transfer with GSM/GPRS Technology